Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Global Strategy in LCD Market for Late Movers: A Brazilian Case 

      Joao, Belmiro; Castelo, Roderick; Bezerra, Daniel; Piscopo, Marcos; Prates, Luciano; Serralvo, Francisco
      In this paper a conceptual framework will be presented for the ana lysis of market entry strategy for those who enter a market later than pioneers. There have been a number of papers on modes and timing of market entry but ...
    • Why Startups Fail in Emerging Entrepreneurial Ecosystems 

      Monteiro, Fernando; Gazaro, Diego; Vinicius, Cesar; Carneiro, Aurora (2019)
      Innovation is key to the economic and social development of any geographical area. Entrepreneurs are the actors responsible for innovation and startups (technology-based companies with high potential for growth and impact) ...