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dc.contributor.authorBambini, Martha Delphino
dc.contributor.authorGiachetto, Poliana Fernanda
dc.contributor.authorKuser Falcão, Paula Regina
dc.contributor.authorStringassi Oliveira, Fernanda
dc.description.abstractBioinformatics is an emergent biotechnological field of study marked by interdisciplinarity and complexity. It involves the application and development of computational tools to biological data in order to process, generate, and disseminate biological knowledge. Bioinformatics is characterized by an intense generation of data and information (configured as a context of big data and e-science), associated with the need for computational resources with high processing and storage capacities and highly qualified and interdisciplinary staff, often found only in academia. The objective of this paper is to describe the organizational model and collaborative innovation activities of the Bioinformatics Multi-user Laboratory (LMB, in the acronym in Portuguese). The LMB is a facility located at the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa), the main Brazilian agricultural research public institute, formed by 46 Research and Service Centers distributed throughout Brazil and by several laboratories and business offices abroad, in America, Africa, Asia and Europe. Its mission involves to contribute to the advance of the frontier of knowledge in bioinformatics by: incorporating new technologies and enabling efficient solutions to the demands related to this field; providing access to high performance computing infrastructure and developing human skills. Considering the importance of biotechnology in the context of agricultural research, Embrapa implemented the LMB in 2011, with the purpose of increasing the efficiency of the use of computational, human and technological resources of Embrapa by providing access to bioinformatics computational resources, offering research collaboration possibilities and consultation on project design and biologi cal data analysis. A case-study was conducted based on documentary research and interviews. The main findings of this research are: the description of the organizational model of LMB, the management team and roles; the services it provides; its access policies and procedures of customer service.
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Perú
dc.subjectLaboratorio de investigación
dc.titleEmerging biotechnologies: bioinformatics services applied to agriculture
dc.relation.conferencedate19-22 de octubre, 2015
dc.relation.conferencenameXVI Congreso Latino-Iberoamericano de Gestión Tecnológica
dc.relation.conferenceplacePorto Alegre, Brasil
dc.contributor.corporatenameTechnology Transfer Analyst at Embrapa Agriculture Informatics
dc.contributor.corporatenameBioinformatics Multiuser Lab at Embrapa Agriculture Informatics

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